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Do You Need a Real Estate Agent and Broker to Sell Your Home Fast?

Do You Need a Real Estate Agent and Broker to Sell Your Home Fast?

Do You Need a Real Estate Agent and Broker to Sell Your Home Fast?

If You Need a Real Estate Agent, Take a Look at This!

We queried Google for “Best Realtor in New Braunfels,” randomly many times and charted the results for you to see. The results of this were that there are several really excellent realtors in New Braunfels, and of those, a few are the “cream that rises to the top.”

So, let’s attempt to figure out what makes certain realtors in New Braunfels rank higher than others for the search term, “Best Realtor New Braunfels.”

Is it because the “Best Realtors” have the most Google reviews and/or the best ratings?

That’s certainly helps but it is not the determinative factor..

As you can see from the chart above fifteen New Braunfels area realtors have a 5.0 star rating on Google and five more have a 4.9 star average. Housifi has 342 five-star reviews. Why haven’t they ever ranked #1 in one of our queries for “Best Realtor in New Braunfels?”  To see how many stars and reviews realtors in New Braunfels have click here and look in columns A & B.

Although no one knows exactly how Google ranks businesses as they do, one thing is certain. And that is, if you do enough research in a particular market niche, it becomes clearer why certain businesses outperform their competitors in Google serach results.

Back to solving our mystery.

Is it because the top ranked realtors in New Braunfels have the most services listed on her Google Business Profile?

No, it’s not that.  Marsha Kovar has twenty services listed on her Google Business Profile listing.  Several local realty companies have more services listed including The Mulero Group with eighty-two!  To see how many services each realtor in New Braunfels has click here, find the realtor, then scroll to the right.

So. this data shows that Marsha Kovar often ranks #1 on Google for “Best Realtor in New Braunfels.”  Is she the best realtor?  We don’t know, we’ve never met her.  But, we would like to meet her and ask her if SHE knows why she ranks so well on Google for this search term.

We’re pretty sure we know how she does it!

So, then who is the best realtor in New Braunfels?

Ok, so setting aside the fact that the “Best” of anything is subjective, it is important to note that the reason that certain realtors rank higher than others for the Google search term, “Best Realtor New Braunfels,” has more to do with how well they play the “Google Game” than how well they play the “Best Realtor Game.”

You could be the best realtor in New Braunfels, bar none but, if you don’t conduct yourself online in accordance with Google’s best practices, Google won’t know that you are the “Best” and therefore will not rank you accordingly. That is just the harsh reality.

So, let’s just take a look at one particular highly Google-ranked realtor in New Braunfels: Marsh Kovar. And ask ourselves, “Why does she rank as highly as she does.”

To simplify, she does enough things well enough to compete for the top result on Google for the search term, “Best Realtor in New Braunfels.  Because of this, she sometimes achieves the much-coveted number one position on Google for the search term, “Best Realtor New Braunfels, while other realtors rarely or never are given that prestigous ranking result by Google.  

As you can see below, over time Google “cycles” other highly-related realtors in and out of all rank positions, including the top ones!  Take a look at the same chart over a longer period:

Google Top Ranked Realtors in New Braunfels, TX
Chart of Top Realtors in New Braunfels

As you can see when looking at the same data as above for a longer timeframe the results differ.  In this example, Marsha Kovar now has the sixth-highest average ranking on Google. 

JB Goodwin Realtors currently has the highest average ranking on Google for, “Best Realtor New Braunfels.  Interestingly, in the timeframe of this chart they hold the top position without having been ranked #1 by Google and Weichert Realtors – Corwin & Associates ranks #2 having only been ranked #1 during this period.

The thing is that ranking #1 for “Best Realtor” on Google and being the “Best Realtor” is not the same.  The “Best Realtor” ranked on Google may or may not be the actual “Best Realtor.”  Because, the “Best Realtor,” as ranked by Google, will be the one that plays the “Google game” the best, not necessarily who is the best realtor.       

Think about it.  How does Google know who the best realtor in New Braunfels is?  They don’t, how could they?  But they most definitely know who plays the Google game the best.  And they reward them accordingly.

We’ve found no indications that Marsha Kovar is not, in fact, the best realtor in New Braunfels but we have found indications as to why she ranks #1 for “Best Realtor in New Braunfels” on Google.

Are you getting out-Googled by your competitors?  If so, maybe it’s time to find someone who plays the Google game as well as you play the realtor game.

So, realtors in New Braunfels we suggest you Google “Best Realtors in New Braunfels” and see what comes up.  Where did you come up?  Were you ranked higher than Marsha Kovar?  Are you happy with your result?  If not, why not?

So, how are we “pretty sure we know how she does it”?  Simple.  It’s in the data.  Why?  Because it’s always in the data.  

New Braunfels Data Haus tracks data on thousands of local businesses.  And once we compile and analyze enough data, trends develop.  Once we track enough trends we become “pretty sure” why the results are what they are.

Anyone who tells you that they know how the Google algorithms work is either a fool or a liar.  Or both.  No one knows how their algorithms work exactly.  Even if they did, they wouldn’t for long because Google constantly upgrades its search algorithm.  This is evidenced by the fact that, as you have probably observed, Google has gotten noticeably better at providing the best results for searches over time.  

The New Braunfels Data Haus has developed our proprietary algorithm that measures thirty-two key metrics for businesses on their Google Business Profile, website, authority sites, social media, and more.

Here’s what it looks like:


If you could see all of this data that we have collected and analyzed you would notice trends that appear in businesses that rank similarly well (or not so well) for Google searches for specific queries.

Identifying and analyzing data to uncover trends is crucial in understanding the dynamics of various industries, especially in the context of online presence and search engine rankings. So, if you need a real estate agent, dig deep into the data.

Or, just come here to and look at all the data that we have mined and are happy to share with you!

Data Identification:

This step involves collecting relevant data, often related to online activities and behaviors. This data can include website analytics, user interactions, social media metrics, and more. 


Once the data is collected, it is analyzed to extract meaningful insights. This can involve statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, or other analytical techniques to identify patterns and correlations.

Trend Identification:

By analyzing the data over time, trends start to emerge. These trends represent consistent patterns or shifts in user behavior, market dynamics, or other relevant factors.

Keyword Analysis:

In the context of business rankings for particular keywords, the analysis would focus on understanding which keywords are performing well and why. This involves looking at search volume, competition, user intent, and more.

Competitive Analysis:

To determine why certain businesses rank better than others for specific keywords, it’s essential to conduct a competitive analysis. This involves studying the strategies and tactics employed by successful players in the same industry.

Algorithmic Understanding:

Search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites based on various factors. Understanding these algorithms and their updates is crucial in deciphering why certain businesses perform better in search engine results.

User Experience and Content Quality:

Successful ranking is not just about keywords; it’s also about providing a positive user experience and high-quality content. Analyzing user engagement metrics and content relevance is key to understanding why certain businesses outperform others.

Adaptation and Optimization:

Trends are not static; they evolve.  Businesses need to adapt their strategies based on the identified trends. This may involve optimizing website content, improving user experience, or adjusting marketing strategies.

In summary, identifying and analyzing data helps businesses gain insights into the trends that impact their online performance to understand why certain companies rank better for specific keywords, organizations can refine their strategies and improve their online visibility and competitiveness.

Now do you feel like you understand why Marsha Kovar ranks so well on Google?

We’re pretty sure we know why!


The answer is simple. 

“It” is in the data.


Because “it” is always in the data!

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