Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Finding Keywords That Fuel Digital Marketing Services Success

The Data-Driven Digital Marketing Agency That Unearths Hidden Trends And Opportunities Through Cutting-Edge Analysis


What is the New Braunfels Data Haus?

New Braunfels Data Haus is a digital marketing agency specializing in data collection and analysis. Here at the Data Haus we like to think of ourselves as gold miners.

We look at keywords as though they are like flakes of gold that can make you a few bucks if you can find them.

We look at what we call “Premium Keywords” as gold nuggets in that they can make you somewhere between significant money and life-changing type money, if you find just one big enough, let alone hundreds.

So, we analyze data that leads us to keywords and premium keywords. Once we have those we can make all kinds of things of value just as you can with gold.


Driving Local Success Online Through Data-Powered Digital Marketing

What we make with our gold (data) are things like optimized Google Business Profile listings, SEO-rich websites, blog posts, and social media campaigns.
It’s just that simple.  

Our website offers a lot of good info for any business that wants to build their, or improve their online presence and drive more customers shopping online to their business.  Our blogs and case studies offer valuable pertinent information about businesses in and around New Braunfels to businesses in and around New Braunfels for free.

Information that you can use to grow your presence online.

Beyond that, we can help with the things that are beyond your scope or beyond what you have the time or desire to do for yourself along the Google Highway to Prosperity and Riches.   

We specialize in gathering data.  The type of data that Google wants to see on your Google Business Profile listing, website, and social media.

Once we have gathered an abundance of data we use it to turn hard data into actionable strategies to help our clients gain more traffic on the Google Highway to Prosperity and Riches.

keywords That Unlock Revenue

Unlocking Hidden Revenue Streams Through Targeted Data Intelligence

At New Braunfels Data Haus we are on a mission to collect the data that will help drive traffic to our clients’ businesses.  A lot of data we offer at no charge.  We only work with select companies in select market niches. We know how to stay in the areas we know best because we have the most data collected and analyzed.

We offer our services to a small select group of businesses in the NewBraunfels area within specific areas where we can improve client traffic using our proprietary databases.

We offer raw data, processed data, and Google ranking improvement services for clients that want to learn the answer to questions like:

How can my business rank higher for Google searches?

Why are some of my competitors consistently ranking higher on Google searches than my business?

What makes New Braunfels Data Haus different from any other Digital Marketing Agency? 

Every other agency looks for potential clients that will pay them money for their services. New Braunfels Data Haus takes a very unique approach.
We find money that our potential clients are not making but could be….first.

We Find The Money You're Missing

Guaranteeing Growth By Pinpointing Your Untapped Potential

But, what makes New Braunfels Data Haus different from any other digital marketing agency?  

Every other agency looks for potential clients that will pay them money for their services.  New Braunfels Data Haus takes a very unique approach.

We find money that potential clients are not making but could be….first.   

Then, we show them where this money is and how they can get it.  If there is no GUARANTEED money to be found then there is no potential client!  This is how we operate.  It’s the ultimate Win/Win situation!

We have collected and archived millions of data points.  The types of data points Google uses to rank businesses by search queries.  How do we know how Google’s search algorithm works?  We don’t.  No one does.  But, certain assumptions made from gathering vast amounts of data have to be true.

So, we collect all of this data, analyze it, and archive it, like this one we are building for realtors.

Once you amass the amount of data we possess trends emerge

Once you amass the amount of data we have, trends emerge that give clues to why certain businesses get higher rankings by Google than others.
As we like to say, “It’s always in the data.”

Dominating Local Search Results For In-Demand Sectors

We have more than ample data in the following market sectors in the New Braunfels area to be able to increase rankings for search results on Google:


Get In Touch With Us

Please feel free to utilize any and all data that we have collected for any purpose you desire, except reselling our data.  

Or, if we can be of service to you, in any way, please reach out to us. 

Let’s see if we might be a good fit for one another. 

We only take on clients that we know that we can help. 

So, why not reach out to us and see if we can help? 

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